5 FAQs about having a root canal answered
If you have recently suffered from a dental infection, it is highly likely that you never want that kind of discomfort to occur again. And this will lead you to seek out the advice of a dental team on how to stop the infection and prevent it from returning.

When you come to see our team at the Edinburgh Endodontist, we will be happy to provide relief for a dental abscess, usually in the form of a root canal. We can attest to the success of this treatment in restoring both your tooth and your smile, so there is nothing to worry about!
Want to know a bit more about having a root canal Edinburgh? This article aims to answer five of the most commonly asked questions that our team receives about this procedure, so read on to learn more.
Why would I need this treatment?
The main reason that a patient would need a root canal Edinburgh is that they have a dental abscess. Dental abscesses are simply infections that form around the pulp of the tooth and cause swelling and excessive discomfort. The symptoms of an abscess include discolouration of the gums, swelling, sudden tooth sensitivity and a general feeling of being unwell.
If you notice any of these symptoms, please call our emergency dentist as soon as possible.
Does the process cause discomfort?
Many people have actually found the opposite; after they have undergone the root canal, the discomfort they felt due to the infection reduces, and they start to feel better. But it is worth noting that for a few days after the procedure, there may be a sensation of bruising around and under the tooth; this is normal and to be expected. If it does not get better, you will need to see our team to determine the cause.
How long does it take?
The process of having endodontic treatment can take quite a long time, especially if it is being performed on a tooth that has more than one root, such as a molar tooth, or if the roots themselves are tangled or long.
For most procedures, we will aim to fit the restorative as quickly as possible, which may be a single session of up to an hour. If you need to have a single root cleaned and filled, we may decide to spread this over two appointments solely because it can be very hard to undertake such an extensive procedure in one sitting.
Will the abscess come back?
It is extremely unlikely that the abscess will come back. But if at any point after you have had the treatment, you have concerns about this occurring, you should contact our team as soon as possible to ensure that any early signs can be treated quickly with less invasive treatment.
How long do the results of a root canal last?
Provided that you engage in the correct aftercare, an endodontic procedure can and should last for the rest of your life. Of course, you will want to ensure that the tooth is kept in good shape. If the tooth succumbs to decay, there is a higher chance that the infection may recur and that the root canal may be disrupted.