FAQs about our root canal treatment

You have probably heard of a root canal Edinburgh, and might be wondering what they are and how they can help save your teeth. We will explain everything you need to know below, so that you can get an idea of what is to come if you think you need one.

Root Canal Edinburgh

What is it?

A root canal is a treatment that is used to help rid your tooth of any infection that you may have. It is provided to save your tooth when you have an infection as opposed to removing it, and this has been successfully performed for many of our patients.

When would I need a root canal?

There are two main things that we usually see causing infection in people’s teeth, which leads to them needing a root canal. If you are experiencing either of these, don’t hesitate to contact us for a root canal Edinburgh appointment as soon as possible.

 A cracked tooth is the first reason and this commonly causes infection, because if you leave the tooth untreated this puts your tooth at a much higher risk of infection, as bacteria can enter the centre of the tooth more easily.
The second main reason that people come to us for a root canal Edinburgh is if they have an infection from plaque and bacteria build up. This is usually caused by things such as not keeping up good oral hygiene and problems such as gum disease.
What will happen during the appointment?

To begin the treatment, we will place a rubber sheet around the tooth, also known as a dam, to make sure your tooth stays dry throughout. We will then open up the top of the tooth to expose the centre, and remove any infected pulp that is there. This will help to get rid of any infection that is sitting in the centre of your tooth. After this, we will do a thorough cleaning of the leftover pulp and the rest of your tooth to help get rid of any bacteria and prevent further infection from coming back.

To finish the treatment, we will fill in the small piece of tooth that was removed to access the centre, and it is finished! Sometimes, a crown may be placed over your tooth to prevent it from fracturing.

Here at Edinburgh Endodontist, we are solely focussed on providing root canal treatment, and are specialists in it, so you are sure to be in good hands throughout the procedure. From start to finish, we will take great care of you and make sure you get the results you are looking for.

The advantages

There are many things that our patients benefit from when they have this treatment with us, and that’s why it continues to be one of the top choices for helping with infections in the teeth.

Keeping you comfortable

If you are worried about getting a root canal, then you can rest assured knowing that it is a virtually pain-free treatment. We will do everything we can to ensure you are as comfortable as possible throughout the the process

Popular and efficient

Root canals have been around for a long time, only improving over the years, and continue to be a top choice when it comes to saving your teeth from infection. This is due to its efficient method, mixed with the effectiveness that it brings. As mentioned above, our practice specialises in providing root canals, so you will receive a high-quality and professional treatment when choosing us.