Should I be concerned about root canal treatment?

If you are approaching an appointment for a root canal Edinburgh, you may be feeling nervous about your upcoming procedure. Here at Edinburgh Endodontist we recognise that this is a common feeling, and is completely valid. We strive to help you feel comfortable when visiting us, please do let us know if you have any questions regarding upcoming treatments, or if there is something we can do to help you feel as relaxed as possible.

Root canal Edinburgh treatments are a common dental procedure performed to remove damaged or infected tissue from the inside of a tooth. Although when patients hear the term ‘root canals’ they often associate it with pain and discomfort. We recognise however that they are essential for preserving the health of your natural teeth and preventing more serious dental problems. Often we find that when our patients understand the treatment which they require, they can find it helpful as their appointment approaches.

So, what does a root canal Edinburgh treatment generally involve?

There are several steps to root canal Edinburgh treatments, each explained below. It is important to note, however, that some of these steps are variable depending upon your individual needs.

Numbing the area: We will begin by administering a local anaesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth. This will help to ensure that you are comfortable and free from pain throughout the procedure.

Creating an access point: Once the area is numb, your dentist will create a small access hole in the top of the tooth. This is to access the pulp chamber and root canals and is commonly made through the use of a dental drill.

Removing the damaged tissue: Using dental tools, we will remove the infected or damaged pulp tissue from inside the tooth. We will then clean and shape the root canals to help ensure that all of the bacteria and debris are removed.

Filling the canals: After the root canals have been thoroughly cleaned and shaped, your dentist will fill them. This material filling helps to seal the canals and prevent further infection.

Following this, your dentist will seal the access point with a temporary filling. This filling will typically be removed during a follow-up visit, where your dentist will place a permanent filling or crown to protect and restore the tooth.

Follow-up visit: In most cases, you will need to return to your dentist for a follow-up visit to have a permanent filling or crown placed on the tooth. This will help to restore the tooth’s strength and functionality and protect it from further damage or infection. This can also provide an opportunity for us to check up on the root canal and identify any emerging issues should they be present. If after your initial root canal treatment you are in significant pain, please do contact us.

Issues responsible for the need of a root canal

It is not unusual to want to understand possible causes for any treatment. As with most dental treatments, root canals can be used to treat problems caused by several conditions. Tooth decay is perhaps the most common problem which is treated with root canal treatment, but is by no means the only one. Trauma to the tooth, such as a crack or chip, gum disease, genetics and multiple dental treatments (where these have been exhausted) can also create a need for a root canal treatment. For more information about root canal treatments here at Edinburgh Endodontist, or to book a consultation today, please do give us a ring.