Understand the use of a root canal Edinburgh

We know that you will always seek to do the right thing and take care of your teeth and gums because anyone would want to have high standards of oral health and hygiene so that they can enjoy their lives to the fullest. To achieve this high standard, you may have developed a daily practice of brushing your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, as recommended by all dental practitioners.

While you maintain a high-quality oral cleaning routine, there may still be the risk of a dental issue developing because a brush can only clean the visible parts of the teeth and gums. This means there is always a chance that an issue could develop inside the tooth; when this happens, it can be extremely painful and may require more specialised treatment to resolve.

The type of treatment you may require for an issue inside a tooth is referred to as a root canal Edinburgh. While many people have a somewhat frightening perception of this treatment, the truth is that root canals may not be as scary as many think, and this fear is simply due to a lack of understanding.

At Edinburgh Endodontist, we want to give you an overview of this treatment and its use so that you will have a greater understanding of this much-misunderstood treatment.

The use of treatment

The outside of the tooth that you see is a hard enamel shell that helps to create and shape the crown of the tooth, which you will use every day for tasks such as eating. This hard shell helps to protect the inner layers like the dentin and the pulp chamber. Inside the chamber is a soft tissue called the pulp, which helps to feed the roots of the tooth with the nutrients it needs as it grows. The role of this pulp is less important once a tooth is fully grown as it will gain nourishment from the tissue surrounding it.

If the pulp inside one of your teeth becomes inflamed or infected, it will manifest in a very severe toothache, and treatment may be needed to enter the chamber at the heart of the tooth to remove the infected pulp. This is where a root canal Edinburgh may be used.

Some warning signs that the pulp inside one of your teeth has become infected or inflamed may be a sudden and severe toothache, prolonged tooth sensitivity to hot and cold items, discolouration of the tooth, or increased sensitivity in the gum tissue surrounding the tooth. If you find that you are suffering from any of these issues without an obvious explanation, we would advise you to contact our clinic to seek advice and book a consultation.

Do not delay

If you think you have any of the warning signs previously mentioned, please do not delay when seeking treatment; the sooner you receive treatment, the sooner you will start to feel better. Remember, a root canal Edinburgh is really not as terrifying as people think, and the treatment is only used when there is a good reason.