Understanding why you might need a root canal Edinburgh

Many of us have had a sudden and unexplained severe toothache at some point in our lives, this can cause extreme discomfort and distress that may lead to some people having sleepless nights. Understanding what is causing us pain can be difficult at times, as there may not be any physical damage to any tooth when inspected, this would then suggest that the tooth that is causing pain may well be inflamed or infected.

We all know that any inflammation or infection in any part of our bodies is never a pleasant experience, but having an infected tooth may appear far harder to live with, as our teeth can be extremely sensitive at times because they are heavily exposed to the rigours of daily life. If you think about the times we need to use our teeth you will quickly realise that for all of us a day never goes by when we do not use our mouths and teeth constantly, this then exposes the teeth to potential damage and infection.

At Edinburgh Endodontist we can help our patients by treating inflamed and infected teeth through the use of a root canal Edinburgh, allowing them to feel comfortable once again. We believe teeth should be saved not discarded.

Understanding the way a tooth is made up

The place to start understanding the need for a root canal Edinburgh is to understand how the tooth is made up.

Almost everyone is aware that the outer shell of a tooth is made up of enamel and below the enamel is the dentine, but inside the tooth is a soft area called the pulp which contains the connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. The pulp starts just under the outer layer of the crown and extends down to the roots of the tooth, where it then connects to the tissue that surrounds the roots of the tooth.

This pulp is mainly used by the human body as a tooth is growing and developing, but once the tooth is fully grown the pulp is no longer needed as the tooth is provided nourishment by the connective tissue that surrounds it.

If the pulp within the tooth becomes inflamed or infected then it may require endodontic treatment.

Infection or inflammation can be caused in several different ways, such as repeated treatment on a tooth, deep decay, a leaking filling or crown, or damage to a tooth in the form of a crack or chip.

The signs that may suggest pulp damage are swelling and tenderness around a tooth, discolouration of a damaged tooth, severe and prolonged pain, and an increased sensitivity to the tooth.

Receiving treatment

Should you find that you need to have a root canal Edinburgh, then do not worry as it is a fairly standard treatment that is carried out all the time and we are specialists in administering this treatment to our patients. Our main aim is to treat the cause of any discomfort and/or pain as soon as we possibly can, that way you can start to use your teeth once more. We think it is important to save teeth if it is at all possible rather than resorting to extraction too quickly.