Why might you need a root canal?

A root canal Edinburgh is a common dental procedure that many people will need at some point in their lives. This procedure involves removing the pulp from the tooth, cleaning and shaping the canal, and filling it with a sealant. Let’s explore what you need to know about root canals.

What are endodontic procedures, and what do they involve?

Endodontics is a type of dental surgery that involves removing the pulp from the root of a tooth. This pulp is the part of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. If the pulp becomes infected or inflamed, it can cause a lot of discomfort and damage to the tooth. Endodontics is usually recommended when an abscess has formed beneath the affected tooth.

Why an endodontic procedure

A root canal Edinburgh is often necessary when there is an infection or inflammation of the pulp of a tooth. The most common causes of this infection or inflammation are:

  • tooth decay; if decay reaches the pulp, it can cause inflammation and infection.
  • trauma to the tooth; if the tooth is damaged, the pulp can be exposed and become infected.
  • gum disease; if the gums are not healthy, they can allow bacteria to enter the pulp and cause infection.

Symptoms of an abscess and infection can include:

  • pain in the tooth, especially when biting down or chewing
  • swelling around the tooth
  • neck pain
  • fever
  • sore throat
  • bad breath
  • a general feeling of sickness

If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact our team at Edinburgh Endodontist for an emergency dental appointment.

Note on sepsis

Sepsis is a serious complication of an infection. It occurs when the infection spreads through the bloodstream and causes inflammation throughout the body. It can easily be started by a ruptured dental abscess. If you suspect your abscess has ruptured internally, call 999.

Treatment options for a dental infection

When a dental infection occurs, the first step is typically to treat the infection with antibiotics. If the infection does not clear up, our next step is to perform an endodontic procedure to remove the infected pulp. The root of the tooth is cleaned and filled.

Tooth extraction may be necessary if the tooth is too damaged to be saved and can be used to gain access to the underlying abscess.

After a root canal Edinburgh, it is important to take care of your teeth and gums to prevent another infection. Be sure to brush and floss regularly and see our dentist for regular checkups. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

How to prevent a dental infection from happening

One of the best ways to prevent a dental infection from happening is to practice good oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing with mouthwash. It’s also important to see our dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. If you notice any signs of tooth decay, such as pain or swelling, be sure to see our dentist right away. Prompt treatment can help prevent the infection from spreading and potentially damaging the root of your tooth.